In Fact, Theosophy, Peace, and
Nationalism Must Work Together
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891)
“Each people and nation, as said
already, has its direct Watcher, Guardian
and Father in Heaven – a Planetary Spirit.”
(HPB, in The Secret Doctrine)
Due to a good-willing yet dangerous sort of naiveté, more than one theosophical corporation has informally accepted radical varieties of globalism, in recent decades.
They seem not to see the difference between financial and military globalism, on one hand, and the harmless spiritual progress of mankind towards universal brotherhood, on the other hand. The two are directly opposite to one another. And a widespread moral decay feeds on both financial speculation and military adventures.
It is a mistake that one needs to correct, therefore. This is not the time for theosophical institutions to implicitly support the constant fabrication of new wars on the part of any globalist project, or to pretend that theosophists ignore the growing danger of nuclear conflicts, and the spiritual costs of suppressing the liberty of thought. 
It is nigh time for theosophists to awaken and remember their karmic duty. Students of spiritual philosophy are co-responsible for the future of humanity and the planet. Real theosophy works against wars, and especially against its causes. It also works with and through freedom of thought. It is aware of the importance of protecting family and human values.
Helena P. Blavatsky unmasked the illusions of materialistic science, which since the 20th century has become a lackey and a servant to big weapons industries. In denouncing the various forms of materialistic blindness, HPB but followed the steps of her Masters. Classical theosophy teaches that diversity and unity go together in nature and in human affairs. Peaceful patriotism is a good idea. Cultural differences must be respected and preserved. History shows that globalist military adventures invariably end in disaster, like Napoleonic France, or Hitlerian Germany. They are better avoided. Mass propaganda operations cannot change the natural course of History. The military industrial complex of the United States has yet to learn this fundamental lesson, and learning it sooner is better than learning it too late.
Respectful contrast must not be eliminated. Competition on the plane of ideas is not the problem. We do not need a world police of thought similar to the one denounced by George Orwell in his novel “1984”.
Regarding peaceful nationalism, Blavatsky wrote:
“Have not you heard of the Nationalist clubs and party which have sprung up in America since the publication of Bellamy’s book? [1] They are now coming prominently to the front, and will do so more and more as time goes on. Well, these clubs and this party were started in the first instance by Theosophists. One of the first, the Nationalist Club of Boston, Mass., has Theosophists for President and Secretary, and the majority of its executive belong to the T. S. [Theosophical Movement]. In the constitution of all their clubs, and of the party they are forming, the influence of Theosophy and of the Society is plain, for they all take as their basis, their first and fundamental principle, the Brotherhood of Humanity as taught by Theosophy. In their declaration of Principles they state: – ‘The principle of the Brotherhood of Humanity is one of the eternal truths that govern the world’s progress on lines which distinguish human nature from brute nature’.” [2]
The Eastern Masters of the Wisdom are far beyond the consciousness of present human realm. And they still have a sense of loyalty to the countries where they were last born. One of such teachers says that his love for mankind never killed in him “the ardent feeling of patriotism for the country – in which I was last materially individualized.”[3] It is not true, therefore, that spiritual individuals do not love their countries. Their love is peaceful – that is what makes the difference -; for they love other nations as well.  
What is, then, the spiritual dimension of the love we feel for our countries?
The topic is mentioned several times in “The Secret Doctrine”. We find hints here and there that lead to it. Blavatsky wrote:
“Each people and nation, as said already, has its direct Watcher, Guardian and Father in Heaven – a Planetary Spirit.” [4]
Using other terms, the same fact is taught in the Jewish and Christian Bible. Making our countries great again is therefore a natural and spiritual goal to attain in due time. And as we think about it, a few questions emerge:
1) What more can we know about these higher sources of collective ethical guidance?
2) What are the main sources of spiritual inspiration in the specific nations that are most important for each one of us?
3) One must also see, through the careful study of the original teachings of theosophy, how best to expand such benign influences over our communities, so that they all can cooperate and prosper in peace. It is all there in the classic teachings, yet we must have eyes to see
[1] “Looking Backwards”, by Edward Bellamy.
[2] Helena P. Blavatsky, in The Key to Theosophy, pp. 44-45.
[3] The Mahatma Letters, Letter VIII, upper half of page 33.
[4] The Secret Doctrine, vol. I, upper half of p. 576.
Making Our Countries Great Again” is available on the websites of the ILT since 30 October 2024. An initial version of it can be seen at the October 2024 edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist”, pages 1-3.
Read more:
(from the Indian magazine “The Theosophical Movement”)
Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these revealing words: “Deserve, then desire”.