On the Convenient Use of Some Persons as
Scapegoats, in Order to Produce Hate, and War
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
In July 2024 we sent to the members of E-Theosophy a short message starting with a Karmic question:  
Does the world deserve peace now?
The message closed with an invitation to watch a short video wherein Donald Trump makes it clear he is committed to promote and preserve peace in Ukraine, in the Middle East, and around the world.
Of course, his previous actions had already consistently shown the practical unfoldment of such a commitment. Not everyone knew that, though. 
An experienced student of theosophy then wrote to the editors of E-Theosophy saying she was perplexed to see various publications with texts by Donald J. Trump. She enjoyed very much the materials from E-Theosophy. She did not understand why Donald Trump’s books were being used by the Independent Lodge of Theosophists.  
We reproduce below our answer to her – slightly adapted for publication.
Dear friend, our readers deserve every explanation and complete sincerity. We would start by asking you to read the following article:
Donald Trump As a Mirror
We think this text describes a significant part of our view regarding the various “public enemies” of present-day public opinion – a public opinion, by the way, which is carefully produced as a mass-phenomenon, and used to attain certain deliberate purposes.  
Regarding which, please take into consideration this article here: 
Churchill Challenges Public Opinion
The process of fabricating Donald Trump’s image as the image of a monster who must be assassinated at all costs, or at least obligatorily hated by all, is the same process that would like to provoke a world war of the “Napoleonic” West against Russia, and perhaps against China. 
See also: 
The Politics of Hysteria
How We Fabricate Scapegoats
Please remember that creating a global war whose first phase is the destruction of Ukraine is probably not a good idea. The same can be said of the habit of demonizing whoever is against the Western irresponsible yet lucrative military adventures and provocations against Russia.
Both Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler had that idea and notion of destroying Russia. The humiliating results are well-known.
Based on the book “The Secret Doctrine”, on other writings of H.P. Blavatsky  and the Mahatma  Letters,  one can infer perhaps that there are firm occult reasons for which the West will never be able to defeat and destroy Russia – culturally, spiritually, politically or militarily.   
We are not concerned with the outer personalities or rather the personifications presented to the public by today’s Western media. 
We know that its entertainment shows, although considered by many as journalistic and informative, are basically soap operas presenting some characters for the public to blindly hate, and some other characters for the public to blindly love – between commercial messages. Most of present-day “journalism” consists of pieces of fiction or mere shows presented as news and documentaries. 
As you know, theosophy is against violence, and especially against its Causes. Theosophy despises disgusting criminal activities such as political assassinations of leaders of nations, both moral and physical. You may know what happened to John F. Kennedy when it became clear that he wanted peace between Russia and the United States:
An Address on World Peace, by John F. Kennedy
And see what HPB has to say about political assassinations:
The Assassination of the Czar, by Helena P. Blavatsky
The ILT carefully observes the process of collective ignorance and the danger it offers to the sane future of mankind.
We work for such a bright future. We try to help remove the Causes of collective illusion; we try to act from a buddhi-manasic level.  
As the effort unfolds, we also make a constant endeavour to identify and correct our mistakes. We are all learners. Your suggestions are welcome.
Looking forward, all the best, 
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
(an Associate of the Independent Lodge of Theosophists)
The above article was published as a separate item in the websites of the Independent Lodge of Theosophists on 18 September 2024. It is also part of the August 2024 edition of  “The Aquarian Theosophist”.
Read more:
Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these words: “Deserve, then desire”.