In Theosophy, the Sense of Duty Comes First
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Every year, sincere Theosophists can read once more the words of this New Year’s card sent by Helena Blavatsky, and look at them as if they were addressed to him personally. The message is especially inspiring in the 21st century.
We see above the printed side of the card sent by H.P.B. to Spanish Theosophist José Xifré, on the occasion of the New Year of 1890. Since then, as the decades pass, the few words seem only to gain inner strength:
The sense of Duty comes first;
Then follows Steadfastness;
And zealous Work the jewel is
That crowns all!
There is no Religion higher than Truth.
On the other side of the card we have a handwritten message of HPB, in French:
A good and happy year 1890, to my friend and Brother in Theosophy Mr. J. Xifré, M.T.S. (E.S.). Success and Health. H.P.B.
The initials stand for “member of the Theosophical Society” and “Esoteric School.”
The original Theosophical Society was founded by H. P. Blavatsky in September 1875, but it became fragmented and ceased to exist as such during the 1890s, shortly after HPB’s death in 1891.
The theosophical movement still exists, and its future is bright. A few groups and lodges of theosophists remained loyal to the Masters of Wisdom and their Teachings: that is enough, since life is cyclic. The Independent Lodge of Theosophists, for instance, works for the gradual renewal of the theosophical project on the basis of the original teachings.
The article “New Year Greetings from Blavatsky” was published on the websites of the Independent Lodge of Theosophists on 31 December 2024. The card sent by H.P.B. to Mr. José Xifré is reproduced from the Spanish magazine “Sophia”, May 1911 edition, pp. 329-330.
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Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these words: “Deserve, then desire”.