With Noiseless Steps Good Goes Its Way
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
With noiseless steps good goes its way;
The earth shakes under evil’s tread.
We hear the uproar, and ’tis said,
The world grows wicked every day.
It is not true. With quiet feet,
In silence, Virtue sows her seeds;
While Sin goes shouting out his deeds,
And echoes listen and repeat.
But surely as the old world moves,
And circles round the shining sun,
So surely does God’s purpose [1] run,
And all the human race improves.
Despite bold evil’s noise and stir,
Truth’s golden harvests ripen fast;
The Present far outshines the Past;
Men’s thoughts are higher than they were.
Who runs may read this truth, I say:
Sin travels in a rumbling car,
While Virtue soars on like a star –
The world grows better every day.
[1] In esoteric philosophy, the word “God” means the universal and sacred Law, impersonally present in everyone’s heart. (CCA)
Reproduced from the book “Poetical Works of Ella Wheeler Wilcox”, W.P. Nimmo, Hay, & Mitchell, Edinburgh, undated, probably 1917, 527 pages, pp. 112-113.
In order to see other writings by Ella Wheeler Wilcox in our associated websites, click here.
On 14 September 2016, a group of students decided to found the Independent Lodge of Theosophists. Two of the priorities adopted by the ILT are learning from the past and building a better future.