Our February 2024 edition starts with an article by Radha Burnier, “H.P. Blavatsky’s Signet Ring”, to which we added this subtitle: The Annotated Story of a Ring Shows the Need for Honesty Among Theosophists.
On page five, The Invisible Power of the Sapphire: Hindu Legend Says the First Sapphire Was the Tear of a God.
Page six presents the classic essay “Hypnotism, And its Relations to Other Modes of Fascination”.
Further topics:
* The Universal Rule.
* Cahagnet’s Wife Gets to a High Level of Consciousness, by H. S. Olcott.
* Thoughts Along the Road: The Right State of Mind Produces Health for the Body.
* The Ethics of Theosophy on Facebook.
* An Independent Effort (a Poem) – by Olga Attovna Fedorova.
* The Surprising Editorial Policy of the 19th Century ‘Theosophist’, by HPB.
* Peace is Better than War – And People Are Opening Their Eyes. In a visit to Moscow, Tucker Carlson brings us to an honest conversation with the president of Russia.
With 23 pages, the edition includes the List of New Items in our websites.  
The above edition of The Aquarian was published on 09 February 2024. The entire collection of the journal is available HERE.
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Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these words: “Deserve, then desire”.