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Western Philosophy and Modern Theosophy
32 Texts
An Exercise in Self-Examination -
Blaise Pascal
Blavatsky Writes About Hegel -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline (Ed.)
Cleaning the Lenses of One’s Telescope -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Concerning Ammonius Saccas -
José Ramón Sordo
Entheasm -
Alexander Wilder
Fragments From Stoic Philosophy -
Musonius Rufus
Happiness Here and Now -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Hierocles, On Marriage -
Hierocles of Alexandria
Leibniz, Science and Theosophy -
Steven H. Levy
Living the Search for Truth -
Farias Brito
Musonius: No Need of Much Evidence -
Musonius Rufus
On Examining Religion -
Baron Holbach
On Listening to the Trees -
Hermann Hesse
Pascal’s Sphere -
Jorge Luis Borges
Spinoza and Western Philosophers -
Helena P. Blavatsky
Stoicism in the Esoteric Philosophy -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
That The Best Physician Is Also a Philosopher -
Galen of Pergamon
The Beauty of Abstract Truth -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Constitution of Human Nature -
Francis Hutcheson
The Eclectic Philosophy -
Alexander Wilder
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras -
Hierocles of Alexandria
The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus, Volume I -
The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus, Volume II -
The Need for Infinity -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Nothingness of Personality -
Jorge Luis Borges
The Path According to Hercules -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
The Power of Good Will -
Immanuel Kant
The Practice and the Training -
Musonius Rufus
The Wisdom of Benjamin Franklin -
Benjamin Franklin
The Wisdom of William Penn -
William Penn
What is Enlightenment? -
Immanuel Kant
Why One Should Disdain Hardships -
Musonius Rufus